Iran Map Showing Provinces, Landmarks, and Flags

Here is a map rug reminiscent of the early Iraq maps especially this great beauty of a silk iraq rug (more info about province rugs like these Iraq rugs or these Iraq rugs from 2003 or these map rugs with and without provinces), but this rug is apparently Iranian. It shows Iran with its provinces outlined and colored like the Iraq rugs (and Afghan map rugs). The oil wells in Iraq are a nice touch. If only Nigel Lendon were here to discuss this.

A friend is selling this rug so contact Warrug for the details.

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About Kevin

Kevin Sudeith is an artist and the creator and curator of the war rug collection seen on Beginning as (and remaining) a collector, he began selling war rugs to learn as much as possible about the rugs. Later he sold what he calls "regular rugs" to better study rugs and their historical origins. Sudeith learned how war rugs related to traditional Afghan tribal and workshop rugs as well as the broader Turkmen and Persian rug traditions.