Author Archives: Kevin

About Kevin

Kevin Sudeith is an artist and the creator and curator of the war rug collection seen on Beginning as (and remaining) a collector, he began selling war rugs to learn as much as possible about the rugs. Later he sold what he calls "regular rugs" to better study rugs and their historical origins. Sudeith learned how war rugs related to traditional Afghan tribal and workshop rugs as well as the broader Turkmen and Persian rug traditions.

Kevin Kelly Photos

The whole portfolio is worth viewing. His book”

Boy with Khourjin


The tools for carpet weaving are simple and few. There’s the loom, in a horizontal position. The weaver squats on the finished carpet as she weaves. She ties new knots of dyed yarn along the edge. She trims the tied knot with the curved knife. Then she tightens the finished row of knots with the long-handled comb. Then, she further trims the area she just finished with the scissors, maintaining an even pile on the whole carpet.

Women’s Leadership in Afghanistan’s Reconstruction

Yesterday I attended a lunch at the Asia Society which featured Afghanistan’s Minister for Women’s Affairs, Masouda Jalal, as the keynote speaker. After Ms. Jalal’s very interesting lecture there was a panel discussion featuring PARWAZ Microfinance Institution Managing Director Katrin Fakiri and Arzu Rugs’ Founder, President, and Chairman (as well as “chief bottle washer”) Connie K. Duckworth. The panel discussion was moderated by Marieke Wierda, Senior Associate of the Internation Center for Transitional Justice.