Wool: The pile wool threads, called singles, are noticeably thick with nice curl to the wool. Wool is dense and it has good sheen. Each knot separates itself from its neighbors, giving the design a pixilated appearance. | Sheen: Sheen is even and has a satin finish. | Handle: This rugs handle is strong and has a corduroy feel from the warp depression. | Selvedge: Selvedge is above average quality and is braided goat hair overcast. |
Fringe: The bottom fringe is unusual. Each fringe is a loop of two warps. This is caused when the warp is strung around a dowel called the beam. In this case one warp looped around the beam and back into the rug as the next warp. In stead of cutting the warp, the beam is slid out and a looped fringe results. There is one inch kilim on the bottom. The top has a half inch grey kilim and a long soft open fringe. | Pile: Good quality wool. Thick, 7mm. | Warp: 2Z natural wool | Weft: Weft is double charcoal colored cotton. |
Warp Depression:45 degrees all over, corduroy feel |