Black Baghlani w/ 5 Human Figures |
Exhibited at: |
This a classic older Baghlani war rug. This rug features human figures, which makes it amongst the most interesting and important war rugs. These figures could represent the weaver and her family, or they may represent people she has lost during the war. The latter possibility jibes with the black field, which typically represents mourning. Like all Baghlani rugs, this rug features rich earth-tones. It also has a brilliant sheen. The colors have softened over time giving the rug a beautiful muted feeling. The black field has suffered tip-fading.
Wool: The wool has the density one associates with Baghlani rugs. It has taken on a felt like feeling. The wool is dense and beautiful. Described as - compacted from age, polished feel on tips. | Sheen: Excellent | Handle: Solid, felt like, stiff. | Selvedge: Dark grey wool two cord overcast. | Fringe: Three rows kilim, overhand knots, one inch fringe | Pile: 3mm | Warp: Natural wool | Weft: Two cord black cotton | Warp Depression:Minimal |


















