Small Ten Tank Style War Rug Featuring Black Tanks. (Exhibition #26) |
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The wool and knotting of this rug is not like Ten Tank rugs while the design is quite similar. The design difference is the use of different colors in rows of tanks. The sue of black, red, and golden yellow on tanks sets them off very effectively from blue field and blue and tan border. Its difficult to say absolutely, but this rug appears not to be a ""Ten Tank"" rug in spite of its design. Ten Tank rugs tend to have a straight fiber slightly sharp pile wool, and ropey brown warps. This rugs pile wool is curly and soft and its warps are very fine quality blond wool. As mentioned above also, the colors in this rug are not usual. Typically Ten Tank rugs are brown, tan, and blue. This rug has black, red, golden yellow, as well as tow browns. |
Wool: Very good. Short, soft, dense. | Sheen: Okay | Handle: Floppy and folds acutely. | Selvedge: Tightly bound one cord braided goathair overcast. | Fringe: Top fringe is intact with kilim, braided closure, and orderly fringe. Bottom is mint green kilim, reduced with Persian closure and short fringe showing dye from reduced kilim. | Pile: 4mm | Warp: 2S2Z very fine translucent blond wool | Weft: Blue cotton. | Warp Depression:Warp are pretty flat, sitting on one plane. |











