
3 Large Vase, 6 Small Vase with Small Tanks
1990s (change: this rug is 1980's production)
War Rug Width (decimal feet): 3.58
War Rug Length (decimal feet): 6.58
Knots per Inch - Horizontal: 9
Knots per Inch - Vertical: 9
Warp Depression: 10 degrees to none
War Rug Sales Status: 2016 In Stock
Country of Origin (estimated): Afghanistan
War Rug Style: Vase of Flowers War Rugs
War Rug Ethnic Origin: Baluchi
General Description: I recently learned that a vase of flowers is a symbol of immortality. This is view offers a new perspective on this style of war rug.
The colors throughout this rug are low intensity hues and nicely matched. The harmonious color complements the harmonious design. The white border pattern effectively direct the eye into the field. The field motifs are nicely distributed. Motifs are diverse sizes which is an effective design technique. There are large vases, medium size V shapes and smaller vases, and a variety of small motifs including tanks with flags.
The field is dark Prussian blue, vases are a most unusual plum, and there is a smattering of olive green, raw sienna, rust, umber, and chocolate brown.
The pile is consistent and soft. The rug is evenly and well knotted.
Description of wool: Wool is new, without oxidation, soft and straight.
Sheen of Wool: Sheen is polished and mildly shiny.
Handle: Floppy, soft.
Selvedge: Satisfactory. Overcast braided goat hair.
Fringe: Fringe consists of one inch plain weave kilim - half natural, half brown. The bottom fringe is closed with a single row of braid, while the top is triple braided.
Pile Material: 6mm deep wool
Weft Material: 2S1Z. Cut doubled over bottom. Top is tightly bound.
Warp Material: Double charcoal cotton