
Very Fine Rug with Band Imagery
War Rug Width (decimal feet): 2.84
War Rug Length (decimal feet): 4.84
Knots per Inch - Horizontal: 12
Knots per Inch - Vertical: 16
Warp Depression: Depressed warps
War Rug Sales Status: 2016 In Stock
Country of Origin (estimated): Afghanistan
War Rug Style: AFGHAN Musical Band
War Rug Ethnic Origin: Baluchi
General Description: The main motif of this rug are the three Turkmen musical groups shown bearing different instruments.
The negative space of the field is filled with stars, medallions, female figures, '5' shapes, helicopters, and other geometric figures.
Some people refer to these as 'Geisha rugs' which is an unfortunate misrepresentation based on a photo advertisement in Hali Magazine.
Description of wool: Very fine and dense
Sheen of Wool: Very shiny and lustrous
Handle: Very floppy
Selvedge: Brown wool flat 3 cords
Fringe: White diamond pattern on brown weft substitution. Light brown and red/brown weft brocade.
Pile Material: 3mm
Weft Material: Naturally colored wool
Warp Material: Grey cotton thread