
Wife of Toopaq Dated 1983
1983 Dated
War Rug Width (decimal feet): 6.16
War Rug Length (decimal feet): 12.42
Knots per Inch - Horizontal: 9
Knots per Inch - Vertical: 9
Warp Depression: Slightly depressed
War Rug Sales Status: 2016 In Stock
Country of Origin (estimated): Afghanistan
War Rug Style: Anomaly War Rugs
War Rug Ethnic Origin: Baluchi
General Description: A large rug rich with color, this might have been a multi-person prayer rug accommodating up to 6 people as signified by the six pointed buildings/solidly colored areas. Six colorfully banded medallions are distributed between the rows of pointed shapes. Between the top and bottom row of pointed shapes sits a bird atop a tree, a symbol of good luck.
The negative space is filled with small helicopters, rows of tanks, planes, and camels. The two pointed shapes in the center of the rug are filled with various colorful four-legged animals and birds.
The main border of tanks is typical of early war rugs. This is contrasted with the two equally sized guard stripes of flowers and shapes.
Description of wool: Soft, fine
Sheen of Wool: Very shiny and lustrous
Handle: Maximum flop
Selvedge: Braided dark brown wool with good coverage
Fringe: Reduced kilim, naturally colored and red bands of plain weave, red and black weft brocade next to pile.
Pile Material: 5mm
Weft Material: Brown wool
Warp Material: Black cotton thread