
Burqa Clad Women Disguised as Airplanes
War Rug Width (decimal feet): 3.76
War Rug Length (decimal feet): 6.33
Knots per Inch - Horizontal: 12
Knots per Inch - Vertical: 10
Warp Depression:
War Rug Sales Status: 2016 In Stock
Country of Origin (estimated): Afghanistan
War Rug Style: Golden Border War Rugs (without ewers)
War Rug Ethnic Origin: Zakini
General Description: This rug is an excellent argument for the figures on the top and bottom being women in burkas. The shape is not unlike airplane motifs, but some of these have two definite eyes. These figures contextualize the war in a way not seen often in rugs. This rug places people emotional reaction in the context of the wars.
The composition of this rug is beautiful. The two tanks function like irregular medallions. The strong pattern of Kalashnikovs and grenades in the field are beautiful. The small size of the guns and grenades are effectively juxtaposed with the larger form of the tanks, as well as the medium sized mechanized armor motifs in the border.
The neon green and red accents work with the gold, pink, blues, and browns against the dark blue field to produce a colorful rug.
Description of wool: Soft, fine
Sheen of Wool: Very shiny and lustrous
Handle: Very floppy
Selvedge: Dark brown tightly braided goat hair with good coverage
Fringe: No kilim, grey cotton thread persian closure.
Pile Material: 5mm
Weft Material: Naturally colored wool
Warp Material: Double grey cotton thread