
Mario Brother's War Rug Also Rug ID # 137
Contemporary 197
War Rug Width (decimal feet): 5.92
War Rug Length (decimal feet): 5.92
Knots per Inch - Horizontal: 10
Knots per Inch - Vertical: 15
Warp Depression: 75 degrees, corduroy like
War Rug Sales Status: 2016 In Stock
Country of Origin (estimated): Pakistan
War Rug Style: Horsemen War Rugs
War Rug Ethnic Origin: Chechen
General Description: Also rug #137

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This is the best Chechen war rug I have seen. The design and square format complement each other perfectly. This rug does not have some of the funkiness of some Chechens like uneven borders. This rug lays flat, is square, the borders are all even. Chechens are the strongest war rugs I know. Very densely knotted with Turkish knots. These rugs will wear like nails.
Regarding design. Colors go well together. I like the strong red with the soft cerulean blue in the main medallion. The drawing of the tanks is nice, they look low slung and fast. Incorporation of vases, sugar bowls, and rockets is great.
Description of wool: Strong and dense.
Sheen of Wool: Fair.
Handle: Strong, tough
Selvedge: 3 cord flat overcast blue wool on bottom half, black on top.
Fringe: Red and blue kilim strips, each about 1/2 inch wide
Pile Material: Wool
Weft Material: Grey Wool
Warp Material: Grey Wool