
Red Rug with Trucks, RPG and Plane Dropped Land Mines
War Rug Width (decimal feet): 3.42
War Rug Length (decimal feet): 5.33
Knots per Inch - Horizontal: 9
Knots per Inch - Vertical: 8
Warp Depression: Most warp depression is 75 degrees
War Rug Sales Status: Sold Rug
Country of Origin (estimated): Pakistan
War Rug Style: Red Rugs, a war rug classic.
War Rug Ethnic Origin: Turkman
General Description: This war rug is an excellent example of this type of rug. The condition is new. The drawing is spare and the images are diverse. The colors are simple and bold.
Michael Luongo, a New York City journalist who recently visited Afghanistan, brought back an interesting report from the Omar Mine Museum near Kabul. He described a land mine which the Soviets would drop from planes at night, so when the Afghans woke up they would be stranded in their houses, and walking outside would be very treacherous. This type of mine is shown in this rug. It is shown clearly in the sixth photograph down the page. They were bright colors and had a plastic look. Thanks to Michael Luongo for his description and photographs.
Description of wool: Good, very dense.
Sheen of Wool: Good
Handle: Firm and springy.
Selvedge: Three cord bright pink wool
Fringe: Short kilim, overhand knots, short fringe.
Pile Material: 6mm
Weft Material: White cotton
Warp Material: Red Wool