
Abstract Herat Scene with Fighting
War Rug Width (decimal feet): 2.75
War Rug Length (decimal feet): 4.25
Knots per Inch - Horizontal: 8
Knots per Inch - Vertical: 10
Warp Depression: Not depressed
War Rug Sales Status: 2016 In Stock
Country of Origin (estimated): Afghanistan
War Rug Style: Landscape Pictorial War Rugs
War Rug Ethnic Origin: Taimani
General Description: (formerly rug ID 1139) This rug is a very abstracted version of another similar landscape rug. It is nicely knotted with good wool and an interesting blend of colors. The stained-glass-like blue and red geometric forms in the border contrast with the olive green in the field.
Description of wool: High quality, short.
Sheen of Wool: Shiny
Handle: Floppy
Selvedge: Tightly braided dark brown goat hair
Fringe: Loosely woven naturally colored wool plain weave with overhand knots
Pile Material: 4mm
Weft Material: Naturally colored wool
Warp Material: Grey cotton thread