
Special Herat Mosque War Rug
1980s or 1990's (purchased by warrug in the late 1990's)
War Rug Width (decimal feet): 2.56
War Rug Length (decimal feet): 4.24
Knots per Inch - Horizontal: 8
Knots per Inch - Vertical: 7
Warp Depression: 30 degrees
War Rug Sales Status: Sold Rug
Country of Origin (estimated): Afghanistan
War Rug Style: Herat Mosque (Trees, Road, Arches)
War Rug Ethnic Origin: Baluchi
General Description: This rug is a special example of this design. It took years of bargaining for my Afghan friend to sell it. He is from Herat, and the rug hung on the wall near the door of his shop. it is very similar to this rug.

This red, yellow, and blue rug features an abstracted depiction of a scene in front of the Friday Mosque in Herat, Afghanistan. Abstracted yellow planes fly against a navy sky above the large mosque on the right side of the field, spanning the length of the rug. Trucks drive (upside down?) on the road in front of the mosque, while what looks to be a garden of flowers and trees grows on the left side of the rug. The borders feature the familiar 'S' shape. The design of this rug and the depiction of the Herat Mosque has been used in designs before and since Taliban rule, although this rug is more abstract.

This rug is posted for the first time for sale in 2021, for the loss of Nigel Lendon created an urgency to pair down Warrug's collected rugs.

Description of wool: Semi rough
Sheen of Wool: Matte
Handle: Very floppy
Selvedge: Braided brown goat hair, okay coverage
Fringe: Brown and naturally colored plain weave
Pile Material: 5 mm
Weft Material: 2S Naturally colored wool, some brown threads
Warp Material: Naturally colored wool