
Red Cicatu Afghan War Rug (On Loan)
War Rug Width (decimal feet): 3.25
War Rug Length (decimal feet): 6.00
Knots per Inch - Horizontal: 9
Knots per Inch - Vertical: 10
Warp Depression: none
War Rug Sales Status: 2024 - KCS Keepers - Not for Sale or Donation
Country of Origin (estimated): Afghanistan / Pakistan
War Rug Style: Anomaly War Rugs
War Rug Ethnic Origin: Baluchi
General Description: Excellent. Beautiful fringe. Thick braided weft brocade on kilim end. Uneven length pile. Lots of abrash in the red ground.
This unique rug is allegedly from the estate of a Russian Diplomat and has a great red and blue-grey color scheme. Featuring unique fringe closures and interesting patterns, this rug is different than any seen before by warrug.com.
The main motifs appear to be vases with flowers, a common motif in rugs we've seen. However the vases also contain goats. Goats are also visible beside the vase, along with birds, vars, helicopters, and other small figures. A flock of white birds takes up the center of the rug.
The border of this rug doesn't seem to have any defined edge, instead a collection of white lines and shapes travels around the outside of the rug. The very edge of the rug shows a blue-grey border with white flowers inside of which are multicolored dots.
Description of wool: Nice, but not great. A bit thin.
Sheen of Wool: Very nice.
Handle: Floppy, soft. Very narrow radius on when folded.
Selvedge: Single cord thick braided goat hair. Not very dense.
Fringe: Beautiful. Long natural colored wool. Naturally colored wool plain weave with unique very thick red weft brocade on bottom, same stitch used as closure on top . Overhand knots on bottom.
Pile Material: 5mm
Weft Material: Long strand undyed wool.
Warp Material: Double wefted pink wool