
Massoud Wagireh (weavers sample) Rug with Afghan Map
War Rug Width (decimal feet): 2.42
War Rug Length (decimal feet): 3.16
Knots per Inch - Horizontal: 10
Knots per Inch - Vertical: 17
Warp Depression: Minimal to 30 degrees
War Rug Sales Status: 2016 In Stock
Country of Origin (estimated): Afghanistan
War Rug Style: Political Portraits
War Rug Ethnic Origin: Caucasian
General Description: Sampler rug, or wagireh, featuring portrait of Ahmad Shah Ma'sud. This is a rug a weaver would use to show their skills in weaving different sorts of patterns including elaborate borders, spandrels, portraits, maps, and text. This is a really fine quality rug with small detailed knots.
Description of wool: Excellent, very fine
Sheen of Wool: Good
Handle: Strong, dense, sturdy
Selvedge: One cord brown wool overcast
Fringe: Red weft faced plain weave with blue line, overhand knots, 2 inch fine quality fringe 2Z1S
Pile Material: 4 mm
Weft Material: Very fine naturally colored wool
Warp Material: Light cotton thread