Warrug.com rug in Wired Story about Growing the Afghan Carpet Industry

Here is a story about US Government efforts to build a sustainable rug weaving industry in Afghanistan.

The rug in the photo was shown at Denison University in Ohio, and it will be on display at a show at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice in Manhattan in September and October. It is also the invitation post card image. This pattern turned into Soviet Exodus rugs which turned into WTC rugs and Tora Bora rugs.

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About Kevin

Kevin Sudeith is an artist and the creator and curator of the war rug collection seen on warrug.com. Beginning as (and remaining) a collector, he began selling war rugs to learn as much as possible about the rugs. Later he sold what he calls "regular rugs" to better study rugs and their historical origins. Sudeith learned how war rugs related to traditional Afghan tribal and workshop rugs as well as the broader Turkmen and Persian rug traditions.